A New Year… A New Commitment to God’s Word 

Psalm 1:1–3  

Blessed is the man 

who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, 

nor stands in the way of sinners, 

nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 

2 but his delight is in the law of the LORD, 

and on his law he meditates day and night. 

3He is like a tree 

planted by streams of water 

that yields its fruit in its season, 

and its leaf does not wither. 

In all that he does, he prospers. 

With 2021 just a day or two away I have a question for you: “How would you like to have a year  of fulfillment, prosperity, and fruitfulness?” Let me rephrase that, “How would you like to have  a life of fulfillment, prosperity, and fruitfulness?” 

Psalm 1 is a “key” to living this kind of life. We spend a lot of time getting advice and listening to  the world of experts around us and do not realize that God Himself has told us not only how to  live but how to live a fruitful and prosperous life. 

And the center of this fruitful life is God’s Word. The happy, prosperous, and fruitful person  finds delight in God’s Word. Not drudgery and “have to” but delight and “get to”. An appetite and desire that have been cultivated for God. There is a rejection of ungodly advice, counsel, and lifestyle; there is hunger for GOD.  

His delight, his pleasure, his seeking is seen in how he spends time meditating, ruminating, and  “chewing” on God’s Word. Day and Night! A commitment to hearing from God. 

As a result of this voracious appetite for God and His Word, this type of person is motivated,  driven and directed by God and His will. Which results in living a life that God would  bless…fulfilled, fruitful and prosperous. 

So, this year, start living a life that is God-centered in every way. 

Here is a way that we can all start by getting into God’s Word. Personally, I am committing to  reading through the Bible in 90 days, click HERE is you would like to join me on this. Also, HERE are two other Bible reading plans that will help you read through the Bible in a year. Let’s spend  this year committed to delighting in and meditating on God’s Word.