This is not a time for comfort! 

It’s hard to believe but we have not met as a church family since March 15th and as I write this it is early morning, April 22nd. I am sure that we all have stories that we could tell about how things have been going during this “safer at home” order. 

It is certainly been a mixture of emotions for me. I have really enjoyed spending time with my family and getting to know them in ways that I probably would have missed otherwise, especially playing with my grandson, Ozias. 

I have enjoyed eating breakfast with them every Sunday morning and discussing the sermon for the week. I have even enjoyed the occasional games of Uno and random times to talk and reminisce. The walks around the neighborhood and the movies binge nights. 

I have enjoyed reading and reading and reading. I have enjoed attending a virtual Pastors Conference and having the time to soak it all in. I have enjoyed the time to “catch my breath”. 

I have really enjoyed not having to fight the Nashville traffic...wrecks, congestion and crawling cars on 65- North, headed toward downtown! 

But there is also an underlying healthy fear that is in the back of my mind. A fear of selfishness. The propensity to turn inward and to become self-focused and self-centered. Only thinking about my own comfort and the things that affect my life. 

There are warning bells ringing in my spirit, alerting me to not get comfortable with this way of life. We were never meant to live life centered around “ME, MYSELF and I”. There is a bigger agenda, a bigger Kingdom to Come. 

As God’s people, don’t get lulled to sleep listening to the world’s songs of selfishness. We have been called to fulfill a greater purpose. A purpose that exalts, not self, but the One who is the true center of the universe. GOD! 

Even during these days of quarantine, we must seek ways to glorify the King of Kings! How to make Him known and to reflect His beauty and attractiveness. How to live for His Kingdom and not for our own. Beware, that you do not become too comfortable with this disengagement from reality. 

Use this time to pray for others, intercede and war on their behalf. Call upon the Name of the Lord to transform lives. Use this time to get into God’s Word. Read it. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Sing it. Write about it. Use this time to think and ponder, to repent of sin. Use this time to explore greater and more creative ways to serve the Lord! Use this time to renew, revive, reassess and recommit! Oh, Church Family, do not waste this time on selfish pursuits and comfortable living! Use this time to seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness...Don’t let this moment pass you by. In the words of Jesus... 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”. Matthew 6:33 

As, I mentioned in my sermon this past Sunday, we are taking a pause from Romans before we get to chapters 6,7, and 8. I want us to fully engage with God in these “strange” and opportunistic times; to listen with a heightened sense that God is whispering loudly in unusual ways today. Let’s HEAR Him! To 

get us all on the same page, we will start a short series “Kingdom Come”: Living an earthly life under a Heavenly rule. (Don’t hold me to that exact title...but you get the idea) The Sermon on the Mt from Matthew 5-7. I am looking forward to seeing how these chapters will challenge us to live a life that is different from those around us. To live a life that reflects the Kingdom of God and not the kingdom of this world. To live a life that draws in others so they can get a visual picture from your life, of who God is! Get Ready! 

I truly miss you and can’t wait for us to start celebrating one place! 

Pastor Ray