Christ for the Nations “ReGathering” Plan

Hello Church Family, 

There is a myriad of things that we all need to get caught up on. It has been over 9 weeks since we last gathered as a family. We have had babies born; anniversaries celebrated, weddings anticipated, and even extended family members die. Yes, a lot has happened. 

How has your COVID-19, experience been? Have you grown in your faith and trust in the Lord? I talked to one of our members and... wow... the things that they have accomplished during this time of unprecedented quarantine is AMAZING! 

Well, I am sure you have your own story of what you have been learning during this time. As you know this unusual time is slowly coming to an end and maybe...just maybe... we will experience some sense of normalcy. I have to admit, that if everything goes back to business as usual, I will be greatly disappointed. 

I believe that the Lord has a plan for His Church. A refreshing and renewal! I pray that you did not spend most of your time, fretting, worrying, complaining, or revolting. You see, behind this virus is GOD! Were you alert to His agenda, His will, His purposes, His doings? Did you ask Him to teach you what you needed to learn? Did you spend time interceding for others? Repenting of sin? If’s not too late! 

Since this time is shortly coming to an end, we have a “ReGathering” plan ready to execute. I will present it in the sermon this Sunday, so please listen to the sermon, especially the beginning , so that you will know when we will start meeting again as a Church family. 

I look forward to seeing you, talking with you and hearing all your stories and experiences . Continue to exemplify Christ and display the beauty of the Gospel in your everyday life, especially in these unusual times. 

I Love you and pray for you often, 

Pastor Ray